The Stopdrop Tooling Range of Calipers for “Working At Height”
Our Calipers for Working At Height all feature premanent ring attachment points. The Heavy Duty Calipers are perfect for measuring any small space or item, including fasteners and threads. Offering accurate measurement from .001mm to 150mm they are suited for measuring depth, outside diameters or inside diameters.The Digital Calipers feature an 8mm high LCD display with a data output interface and uses special quartz glass for high scratch resistance. As well as the option for zero setting at any position and interchangeable metric/imperial conversion at any position. Includes battery.
In addidtion our Inside and Outside Calipers are also a must have for any inspection officer. The Outside Calipers can be a useful measurement transfer tool when working with round stock or oddly shaped materials. Equally our Inside Calipers can be used to measure the width of pipes and other hollow objects. The forged steel legs feature hardened points for precise marking of the work piece.